I know there are some people that don't care for the name, but hey guess what? She's not your kid, sorry! I admit, it had to grow on me, but to this day I'm not the least bit sorry we went with Emmaline instead of Emma! I hear of a lot of Emma's especially Emma Grace's. I love it, the name fits her, and pretty much everyone that's ever heard her name has told me it's very beautiful! We actually were at the Noodle Company one time and someone heard us say her name and turned around and asked us if we called her Emmaline and said her daughter's name was Emmaline and she was like 12 years old. That's the only time we've ever heard her name. As far as calling her Emma though, I don't really. I think I call her everything but Emma. She's pretty much my Emmaline, Em, Emme Gracie, Emmers, Gracie girl, or if she's in trouble Emmaline Grace! Here's a picture of my little girl being good this morning! She was sitting reading all her books as you can see. Don't you love the book in her hand?
Well, that's it for the blogging today because I'm off to pick strawberries and make homemade jam in a little while. There's a few of us that go pick and come back and make jam all night so hopefully we'll have success today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rain holds off, at least until we get the strawberries picked and back inside. It was just sprinkling a little bit as I write this, but it stopped and the pavement is already dried up. So wish me luck and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Emmaline needs a U of M book in her hand. Poor kid, she will learn right from wrong one day. Seeing as you brain washed my kid to like MSU its my turn to pay back. LOL!