Monday, December 19, 2011

Emmaline's Stage Debut

Last Thursday was Emmaline's last day of school before winter break. She had her Christmas party at school, and then in the evening she had her first stage debut in her school Christmas play. Her teacher Miss Shirley does this Christmas play every year with all the preschool classes. Emmaline had been practicing at school for about a month, as well as singing her songs at home. She was so excited to be in the play. She was an angel. She was also "Eight Maids A Milking" in the 12 Days of Christmas which she had to hold up the number eight every time it came up in the song.

The play as I said had all three classes participate so it did get a little chaotic with all the kids, especially the younger one's. There were a few melt downs and some that shouted their line in the microphone. I don't know how Miss Shirley, Miss Sallie, and Miss Gail all stay so calm. I was stressing just sitting in the audience. Emmaline's class did very well, and I was very proud of my little girl. She remembered her line, and she did a great job singing all the songs. Of course she was adorable in her angel costume, and her antlers & red nose for the Rudolph song were so cute! After the play was over, they had refreshments of punch and cookies. It was a very nice way to finish off the year before the start of winter break. Here's a few pictures from the play.

Angel buddies- Chloe & Em

Saying her line- "He is the son of God"

Singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"(The kids had a hard time keeping the antlers up)

"Eight Maids A Milling"

This was supposed to say "Happy Birthday Lord Jesus" with all the letters up. It took a few minutes, but eventually they all got it together.

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