Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hot Hot Hot!!!

Wow, what a week it's been with this heat! The air conditioning has been running 24/7 and it doesn't look like it's going off anytime soon. I hate to see my electric bill! Although I'm not complaining about the heat. I'd much rather have this than it be cold and shoveling snow. The summer is going by far too quickly and before we know it winter will be upon us. Ugh! I actually didn't think it was all that bad a couple days. Only one day was pretty miserable, Thursday I think it was or maybe Wednesday. Anyhow, the only downfall with it this hot is that we've pretty much been staying inside to keep cool. Too hot to go to the park or play outside. We've taken a few walks, late late into the evening, but even those have been cut short. Like I said though, I'll take the heat over the cold any day!

On Wednesday at Em's ballet class, we found out she's got the class all to herself. Kate told us the other girl isn't going to come so if we wanted to stop the class she'd give us a credit for the fall. Emme likes it though and gets excited to go, and I don't really think she cares that she's the only one. So we're just going to finish the last three classes out. It's kind of nice for Emme to have the one on one time with Miss Kate.

We had a pretty low key week and weekend. Friday night we found out Evan's friend Ethan was having a birthday party on Saturday. His dad, Nick had text me Friday night and asked if we could come. Due to some problems with his ex-wife, it was a last minute thing. We didn't have much going on Saturday so we were able to go. The party was at Chuckee Cheese, which if any of you know me, I absolutely hate that place. I've only been to one other birthday party there which was a chaotic mess. Nick's been through the ringer with his ex-wife, she will hardly let Nick see the kids. I don't know why exes and the courts have to be like that when kids are involved. Nick is a great dad, and he deserves to see his kids more and I feel bad for Ethan and Aivree going through all this. I knew Ethan really wanted Evan to be there, and it would mean a lot to Nick if we came. It had been awhile since we had seen them too so I figured we'd go for a little while. It turned out that it wasn't that busy for the first hour and a half we were there so it wasn't that bad. I just made sure the kids washed there hands over and over after touching all the games. It was nice to catch up with Nick a little and the kids had fun with Ethan and Aivree. They're planning to come to Emme's party too so that will be nice.

Sunday we ran some errands here and there. We finally made it to the East Lansing Farmer's Market. It opened two weeks ago when I had my girls shopping day so I couldn't go. Then last weekend we totally forgot about it. We got a few things- green beans, zucchini, and squash. I was a little disappointed that we couldn't get any hot peppers. The guy we usually get them from said he got a late start planting them this year due to the weather so he was hoping to have some by next weekend. So hopefully we'll remember to go next weekend and he has some. We love to make tacos with the hot peppers! That's about it from around here. Nothing big and exciting going on. I've been pinning more lately so I'll share some of my finds soon!

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