Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Give Blood

Every year in November, for a few weeks up until the MSU versus Penn State game there is a blood drive challenge that takes place between the two schools. This year is the 16th Annual Blood Challenge. The competition is to see which school can get the most donations in a three week period up until the Friday before game day. This year PSU plays at MSU and it's MSU's final game of the regular season.

I've always been, I guess you would say a "chicken" to give blood. However, after having Evan I thought, this is something I can do, give blood. Seriously, any woman who has given birth knows how many times the phlebotomist comes in your room to draw your blood! You're told to try and get some rest after you've given birth and yet, every couple hours you're being poked with a needle so they can have your blood. Really, you don't stand a chance to get any rest. So after I went through that I knew I could easily give blood. Why haven't I done it in almost five years since I had Evan? I don't know. It's one of those things that I've put off doing, but not anymore.

Over the weekend Greg said to me that we should go give blood for the MSU-PSU blood challenge. I had been thinking the exact same thing a few days before. So we both said let's do this. No more putting off giving blood. It's so easy to help save lives by simply rolling up your sleeve! It's one of the greatest gifts you can ever give, and it doesn't cost a penny! There isn't a day that goes by that someone isn't in need of blood! The blood challenge was a little icing on the cake to get my butt out there and finally do it! I always like to see MSU win, no matter what it is!

There was a blood drive location on campus this evening so I picked Greg up, and we headed over there. This was also Greg's first time giving blood. There was a little wait when we got there, but it was well worth the wait. If you've never given blood like us, this is what the process is. You're called to a little booth to get your info and asked some questions. They take your temp, blood pressure, and poke your finger to check your iron. (That kind of hurt a little, but not enough to keep me from going back!) Then you're asked to complete a 49 question questionnaire on the computer which takes just a couple minutes (nothing hard). Then they take you to the table and start drawing your blood. That takes about 6-7 minutes and you're done. It's that simple! I'm so kicking myself for not doing it sooner! Before you leave they give you juice and cookies! How great is that? That was Greg's favorite part he couldn't wait to get to. LOL! I felt really good after we left, knowing that I did something to help save someone's life. I look forward to many more times of giving blood! I really encourage all of you who haven't given blood before to go do it! For all of you who have given blood and do it regularly, I commend you!

Right now MSU is in the lead for the blood challenge, but not by much. I encourage all you in the MSU area to go give blood on campus for the challenge. There's only three days left! Not only are you doing a great thing, but you'll be helping the Spartans win! After we were done, I got to go see Greg's new office since we were right by there. I snapped a few photos while I was there.

Here's the view from the door. All the pictures on the wall are one's he's taken. (They're kind of hard to see I know.)

Here's his desk, more of his pictures, and Evan's art work. The red one is his "fire mountain."

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