Thursday, March 11, 2010

Evan's In The Organizing Mode Again

Today Evan was sitting at his table coloring away, and out of the blue he asked me if he could organize the coloring bucket (it contains crayons, paper, coloring books, paint books, etc.). I told him he could as long as once he took everything out of the bucket, he put it all back in. Sure enough he took everything out and worked hard to organize the bucket, and then he put everything back in it all nice and neat. Then he wanted to organize the toy closet for me. I had told him earlier that I was going to clean the closet out, and when I did I wanted it to stay nice and neat. So he said he'd clean and organize it for me. I met him halfway and told him if he took everything out, he could help me put stuff back in, but I had to help. There's certain places some things need to go because Em needs to be able to get to them. Then there's also certain things that need to go a little higher up on the shelves so she can't get to them. So while I was doing some things, Evan went to town taking the toys and games out of the closet. This is what I found when he was ready for part two and me to help.

You can see the shelf in the closet is empty. He took everything out that he could reach. Then we worked together putting the stuff back in so it was neatly organized. Evan was so proud of his work that he wanted in the picture after we got everything back in the closet.

After the closet was done, Evan was not. He wanted to help me clean and organize some more. So we picked up all the stuff in the play kitchen and got it put away. We dumped everything out of the two toy baskets and organized those and got rid of a few things. Then we cleaned out the two drawers in the bookcases that have toys in them, and we finished just in time for Em to wake up from her nap. Evan was quite the good little helper today and we got a lot accomplished. Thanks Ev for your hard work! Now let's hope it stays organized and picked up. Cross your fingers!

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