Monday, August 10, 2009

A Crazy Trip To Meijer

After dinner tonight we finally got to go for a walk. It had been almost a week since we'd gone on a walk. With this crazy weather of storms and heat on top of some nights being gone, we haven't had the chance for our normal walks. Since the temp cooled down a little, better than yesterday, but still a little muggy, we thought it would be a good walking night. It felt good to get out and we got to catch up with our neighbors (the Ellis family) who had been gone for two weeks. Welcome back Ellis family, it's nice to see you back in the neighborhood! The walk was great, Evan got to ride his bike, and Em ventured out of the jogging stroller for part of the walk and ran the last part to home!

We got home and it was almost 8:30pm, and I had wanted to run to Meijer to check out their lamps because they're 20% off this week. (Remember readers about a month ago I told you I was on a lamp mission.) Since Meijer was having a sale I thought this would be a good time to check out their selection again. I was thinking it was too late to go, but the kids were wound up and Em was nowhere near ready to go to bed. We all loaded into the car and off we went. I got a couple pictures printed while there, grabbed a gallon of milk, and we found a lamp that we thought might work so we got one to try. I wanted to make sure I liked it before I bought two, and I didn't like any of the shades they had so figured best just to get one for now.

After our purchase and we get out to the car and the kids are buckled in, I notice that the switch on the lamp is broken off. Just my luck I swear! Here's where the crazy part of our Meijer trip comes in. I tell Greg I'm going to run back in and see if I can swap out the lamp for another one. So I start heading back in to the store. As I'm walking away from the car I realize the receipt is in the other bag in the car. I run back to the car, grab the receipt and head back in. I get half way through the parking lot look at my hand and realize I grabbed the coupon that prints with your receipt, not the receipt. Are you kidding me? Back to the car I go! Look in the bag and no receipt. Look in my purse and no receipt. I didn't have any pockets so I knew it couldn't be there. Good grief, it's only been like five minutes since we checked out and walked out of the store. I'm thinking did the damn receipt blow out of my hand? Didn't think it did, but can't find it. Greg tells me to just go see if I can swap it out without the receipt. In I go and the cashier remembered me and says it's fine to go get a different lamp.

Now I've got my new lamp and head out of the store thinking, "What the hell happened to that receipt? I just had it!" Greg was parked up by the door (This is the door at the other end of the store. Not the same one we came out the first time.) and I hop in the car telling him I hope we don't have to return this because I have no idea where that receipt went to. I told him I had looked around the parking lot where I was walking and didn't see a receipt anywhere. So he pulls away from the door and we're driving through the parking lot and get stopped at the other door (the door we came out the first time) at the crosswalk because there were a lot of people coming out of Meijer. While we're sitting there waiting patiently for the pedestrians, I look to the left out Greg's window and I see a piece of paper on the ground by the handicap spot. I say to Greg, "Look, that looks like a receipt. I'm going to go check." Surely it wouldn't be, but I would've always been wondering had I not checked. So I hop out of the car while he's waiting for people to cross in front of the car and go look at the paper on the ground. Guess what readers? It WAS my damn receipt! I'm so serious. I could not believe it. What are the odds that in that time I went back to the car twice, into the store, out of the store, and back in the car that I would find my receipt as we're driving away? It had blown out of my hand obviously and blew from where we parked (about half way down the aisle) up to the handicap spot in that time. Totally crazy! Greg told me I should buy a lotto ticket! So I've got my lamp AND my receipt! I do like the lamp, but we need to find a shade to go with it. We tried our old shades, but they're not in very good condition so they don't look good on the new lamp. Now I need to see if I can find a shade somewhere else and go back before the sale is over to get another lamp. Wish me luck on my shade mission now!

A little shout out to Em's friend Elizabeth who turns 2 today! Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Hope you had a special day!

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