Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Few Updates

Here it is June already and I still haven't had the chance to tell you about a few things I've mentioned previously- terrible two's, Em's teeth, Ellen entertainment, dance video, and more. Don't worry I haven't forgotten. I'll get to a few now and the rest later. I also haven't forgotten about my favorite Evan pics slideshow. I hit a roadblock and couldn't find some of his pictures. Not to worry, I just found them earlier in the week. I finally finished uploading all the pics in an album tonight and wouldn't you know it... I tried to add the slideshow to the blog and just like last time it wasn't working. So I'll try again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have success and it will be on here in the next day. I know you're waiting with anticipation to see Greg's "mini me" pics from when Evan was born.

In a previous week of "Fun Facts" I mentioned that Evan slept in his bed all night and Emmaline was getting her last few teeth FINALLY. I told you more on these two later. So let me start with Evan. Ever since Evan was born he's never been one to want to sleep in his own bed. Then when Emmaline was born and we had her crib in our bedroom it was even worse. Basically for nine months until we moved Em's crib out of our room it was one big camp out in our bedroom. Thank goodness our room is big enough! Still after that no matter what we tried Evan would always wake up and come in our room in the middle of the night. Well, there was no way he'd be sleeping in our bed so he'd crawl into his "camping bed" (blow up mattress). Finally we took it down, but he'd still come in our room and just sleep on the floor. In the past month, he's been better at staying in his bed ALL night for most of the nights. Occasionally he'd come in our room, but usually not until like 6:30am so we're making progress. It's been a long time coming. Believe me we've tried everything! So I'm hoping over the next couple months Evan masters sleeping in his own room as well as he's mastered riding the bike without training wheels!

Now onto Emmaline's teeth. Good grief, I thought this girl was never gonna get all her teeth. Her teeth came in way later than Evan. Now if you ask me when Evan's teeth came in I could tell you when many of the first few did. They're all noted in his baby calendar book. His first tooth was at about 7 months. Em's first tooth was after that, but don't ask me when. I've been so bad at keeping her baby book up to date. I've got things written down on various pieces of paper, but where those papers are off hand, I'm not sure. I do know though that her teeth were all very slow to come in. A lot slower than Evan's because he had all his teeth way before 22 months. Geez even some of Em's friends her age or younger had all their teeth long ago, and then there's Em. Slowly, but surely her last three teeth, two on the bottom and one on top have finally come in. I was beginning to think she'd still have some holes for her 2nd birthday. Instead of "all I want for Christmas are my two front teeth" we'd be teaching her "all I want for my 2nd birthday are my last three teeth!" So now I can add that to her baby book, well some day when I get around to it.

In the last month also, Em's been a lot more of a handful than normal. Cranky, naughty, crying, screeching, and sometimes up in the middle of the night. Of course my first thought is always, she's got to be getting some teeth. Especially if she's up in the middle of the night because that was often the case with her other teeth. Every morning I'd check her mouth and no teeth. At least not until like a week ago when those last three came in, but then she wasn't even waking in the night so what is the deal? We were at my mom's over Mother's Day and she was a handful, wouldn't nap, etc., etc. Then one day I was talking to my sister and she says, "It's probably the terrible two's." Duh, why didn't I think of that? Of course it is! Although she's not yet two, so she's starting a little early. All you mom's out there, I'm warning you... yes it starts before two! Oh, and if you think two's are bad, well think again. My friend Liana always told me three's are worse! No, they couldn't be, really? Yes, really because Evan was worse at three than he was at two. Emmaline seems to be a little worse at the terrible two's than Evan so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that for her three's are not worse than two's!

One more update and then it's time for bed. Remember the bird nest I found in my hanging basket? Well, about a week ago Greg noticed that another egg was gone. It wasn't on the ground this time. It was nowhere to be found. I had noticed I hadn't heard the birds around as much, and this past week nothing at all. The birds had abandoned the nest and left the one egg. So needless to say, no baby birds here. I have no idea why they left, but ever since the first egg was smashed on the ground they hadn't really been back in the nest. So the good news out of it is that my plant is surviving and it's getting watered now.

Now, I'm off to bed so I can get going early in the morning with the garage sale. I'm hoping for good weather and a good turnout! I would really like a lot of this stuff gone! I'm sure it won't be all gone because that would be a miracle and as far as garage sales are concerned miracles like that don't happen. Does anyone ever end up with an empty garage after a sale? I don't think so. Besides I think I have way more stuff than your average sale. At least way more baby stuff than the average sale. I wish some of you reading lived closer because I've probably got lots of baby and kids clothes you could use! The sale is Friday and Saturday, so when all is said and done I will let you know how it turned out.

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