Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Pat On The Back

Well, here it is 5 days after I started working on this blog and I'm kind of impressing myself. I could've actually had it up and running by Sunday, but I kept playing with all the fun backgrounds once I figured out what I was doing. Besides the fact that I struggled with a name as I mentioned before. Now if you ask my husband, he'll tell you I'm no computer whiz. I'm good at your basics like email, surfing the web, uploading photos, and most recently Facebook. So getting this blog started I thought was going to be beyond me. My friend Ann, from high school has a blog and she does a very nice job. She offered her blogging services should I need some help. While I was very appreciative of that, I didn't want to have to "bug" her right away or every time I couldn't figure something out. She informed me that she really didn't mind should questions arise. So with a little trial and error I managed to get this blog going all by myself which sort of amazed me. Once I got the blog launched I figured down the road (probably way down the road because that would be how long it would take to figure out) I would try to add some music to it. That would be cool, right? Now to some of you, that would probably be a piece of cake, but for me, no clue how to do that so I figured I'd be calling on Ann for some help. Well low and behold I tried a couple things last night and ta on my blog! A pat on the back for me! Yeah! So now a little music for your enjoyment while reading my fabulous blog! Okay, maybe not fabulous quite yet as it's just getting started, but it sounded good to say! A little special note of the song selection. Many of you know my little girl is Emmaline Grace so the songs Emaline (spelled differently) and Gracie are two of my favorites. This version of Emaline isn't my favorite, but still good. Many people can't believe there's a song with her name since it's so unique which is kind of how we got her name. More on that in a later post. So enjoy the music, and Ann don't worry I'm sure there will be plenty of questions to come so I'm holding you to the "I really don't mind helping!"

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